Who Are Mail-order Brides? Post Thumbnail

Only a few decades ago, men who wanted to get a wife had very few options, and if someone happened to marry a foreign woman, it was usually nothing but a happy coincidence. The good news is that Western men who want a foreign wife don’t have to rely on chance. Find out how to find a wife online free, learn about the concept of mail order brides, and check out the best mail order brides services we’ve personally tried and tested.

Who are Mail Order Brides?

The mail order bride industry has often been surrounded by myths and even controversies, so, to set the record straight, we will start by explaining who a mail-order bride really is and how a mail order marriage is going to work.

A modern mail order bride is simply a foreign woman, usually in her 20s, 30s, or 40s, who has decided to turn her life around by marrying a Western man. Traditionally, most women on mail order bride services come from Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, although you can also meet your mail order bride from many other countries if you are determined to find one.

Finding a wife online in 2023 using a mail order bride service works very similarly to a regular dating site. The big difference between mail order brides and other women using dating sites and apps is that a foreign bride is much more likely to want a serious relationship and marriage, whereas regular dating site members often want nothing more than a fling. Therefore, modern brides websites are perfect for meeting your future wife.

Why Should You Use Websites to Find a Mail Order Bride?

A mail order bride service is the best way to find mail order brides, and here are three facts to prove it:

  • You can find a bride who fits your needs. Whether it’s a specific ethnicity, appearance trait, personality feature, age range, profession, or another factor, the robust search and filter systems offered by popular brides websites allow you to do just that.
  • International dating sites attract the right audience. Specifically, they attract the audience of foreign mail order spouses who are determined to marry a foreign guy and are therefore looking for the same things in life that you do.
  • You can meet a real mail order bride. The best mail order bride sites genuinely care about the success and safety of their members. This is why they employ various security and anti-scam measures, including verifying all female profiles.

Is it Difficult to Find a Woman for Marriage on Mail Order Bride Websites?

Not at all! In fact, if you’re the kind of person who hasn’t had a lot of dating experience, looking for a mail order bride online can help you reach all of your personal life goals, and here is why:

  1. Women often make the first move. Many mail order wives are so desperate to find a partner that instead of just waiting for men to contact them, they will regularly browse the site’s male audience and reach out to men they find interesting. All that is left for you to do is reply and keep the conversation going.
  2. There are many communication tools to choose from. Top mail order bride sites have not only thousands of mail order brides but also plenty of communication features available. Regardless of your dating style and relationship stage, you can find the feature that works best for every given situation.
  3. Talking to several women increases your chances. When you search for a foreign bride on a mail order brides catalog, you don’t necessarily have to focus on just one woman from the start. Communicating with several brides at the same time allows you to keep your options open until you’re ready to make a choice.

How Much Does it Cost to Find a Mail Order Bride?

Technically, you cannot buy a wife, but it still costs money to find a foreign mail order spouse. However, there is never a fixed price for getting a foreign bride, and the price you pay to meet your future wife is the combination of all the expenses you will face while searching for a wife. These can include the following types of expenses:

Using an online dating site 

There are legit mail order brides services that charge a membership fee, but in most cases, you will be offered a chance to buy credits and then spend them on advanced features such as chat, video chat, and gifts for women. Therefore, you can choose the best option for yourself to buy mail order brides.

To give you a better idea of how much you can spend on using a mail order bride platform, let’s take SofiaDate, a popular mail order bride dating service, as an example. SofiaDate offers free membership, meaning you can sign up and browse for as long as you want without paying. However, you will need credits when you are ready to communicate with a foreign mail order bride. These are the credit packages you can choose from on SofiaDate:

  • 35 credits for $12.99
  • 50 credits for $19
  • 100 credits for $33
  • 250 credits for $75
  • 400 credits for $100
  • 1,000 credits for $200

Plus, as a new member, you can get your first 35 credits for $2.99. Now, let’s look at the prices of the most popular communication tools offered by SofiaDate:

  • Live chat is 20 credits for 10 minutes
  • Sending mail is 20 credits per letter
  • Viewing a video message is 25 credits

At the end of the day, the cost of using a mail order bride service depends on how many paid features you use and how much time you spend communicating per day. In our experience and the experience of our readers, most Western men looking for mail order spouses end up spending between $100 and $400 per month on a mail order bride website.

Dating offline

When your goal is to find legit mail order brides with the prospect of marriage, and not just chat online for fun, it means that you’ll have to plan a visit to your bride’s country sooner or later. Popular mail order bride countries include China, Vietnam, Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, and Brazil. On average, a two-week trip to meet your foreign mail order bride can cost you between $2,000 and $4,000. This includes:

  • Roundabout plane tickets
  • Hotel or other accommodations
  • Renting a car or using taxi services
  • Buying food for you and the bride
  • Paying for entertainment and dates

Is the Concept of Mail Order Brides Moving Into Offline Dating?

Of course, it is! Even though you will start your search for a bride online, there is every chance your relationship will eventually move into the offline realm and lead to real-life romance and marriage. You are not obligated to meet mail order brides in real life if you don’t want to, but if you are genuinely looking for a wife, then yes, it is possible to meet your mail order wife offline as many times as you want before marriage.

That’s how one of our readers, Stephen, met his Filipina mail order bride, Jasmine. They met on a popular mail order bride site, and even though they instantly felt an attraction towards each other, they took the time to get to know each other before making any kind of commitment. Stephen traveled to Manila to meet Jasmine about a year after they met online and they’ve been inseparable ever since. This goes on to show you that real-life mail order marriages are perfectly possible.

Why Do Girls Become Mail-Order Brides?

There are various reasons to become one of the Internet brides. There is a common misconception that such ladies are interested in money and just want to marry a wealthy man and live a carefree life. It might be partially true but the majority of girls have other aims in the first place.

Many countries such women live in are developing economies, so the standards of living are lower than in Western countries. It is a frequent case when girls have to work hard to make their living and support their families. At the same time, mail-order brides have self-respect and special character. They want to live a happy life with someone they really love. Thus, mail-order bride websites are a perfect solution for them.

Let’s consider other possible reasons to become an Internet bride:

  • To get access to a larger number of men
  • To live in a society with a better attitude towards girls
  • To find men with serious intentions
  • To get an education or a better job
  • To find a soulmate able to understand them
  • To create a family and have kids.

Which countries are better?

Foreign brides come from various countries. Some of them are well developed while others are developing economies. It is hard to say, which mail-order bride countries are the best. Everything depends on your requirements.

The features of girls from the best countries for mail-order brides

Look at the girls from the most popular countries and their features:

  • Vietnam. Such girls are full of life and joy. With their conservative family values and respect to their men, they are wonderful wives.
  • Thailand. They have a very exotic appearance. Those girls are seductive and hard-working.
  • The Philippines. They are known for a strong character, traditional views, and femininity. They are able to support during hard times.
  • Japan. Lots of people say such women are the most beautiful among Asians. They’re smart, faithful, and respectful. They are known for their perfect manners.
  • Russia. They are called the most beautiful in the world. They’re clever, family-oriented, and supportive. They are wonderful mothers while self-realization is also important for them.
  • Colombia. With dark eyes and tanned skin, such girls are very seductive. They are funny and extremely passionate. They are faithful wives with traditional views.

Legal issue

Plenty of men searching for a wife live in the US. The government issued several legal acts concerning mail-order brides. The most prominent act is IMBRA. It concerns sensitive information about foreign brides. It is allowed to marry US citizens only if the following conditions are observed:

  • a questionnaire on concerning criminal and financial background of a man is completed
  • the record from the database of the US National Sex Offenders Public Registry is provided
  • the information is translated and certified permission from the woman is obtained.

As soon as a mail-order bride is in the US, the process for obtaining citizenship would be the same as any other person. Marriage to a U.S. citizen is the most obvious means of doing this but the government is careful to investigate the validity of such marriages.

The countries brides come from also have peculiarities. In the Philippines, Anti Mail-Order-Bride Law was signed prohibiting women marrying foreigners. Thus, many agencies are based outside the country.

The agencies usually help with paper issues, translations, and any possible problems, which can occur in a bride’s country or in a man’s country.

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